What is the Report Number on Form 8038-CP?
28 views | Last modified 4/3/2024 9:32:53 AM EST |

  • The report number is a unique identifier that the issuers must assign permanently to bonds eligible for credit payments (when filing their first 8038-CP for the bond). 
  • This report number must be consistently used when filing to claim credit for the bond.
  • As per the IRS rule, this report number should be in the range 401–450. 
  • Also, a separate should be assigned for each type of bond issue. 
  • Furthermore, the report number may not be used for any other Direct Pay bonds, even if the bonds are redeemed (or) are no longer outstanding.

Note: Until January 2020, the report numbers were assigned by the IRS. Only after that, the filers were required to choose the report number on their own.

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